Month: November 2023

  • Visby, Sweden Kickoff Complete!

    Visby, Sweden Kickoff Complete!

    We had a wonderful time at our hybrid in-person Kickoff event in Visby, Sweden Nov. 14-15, 2023! We had meetings for all five work packages, including planning our additions to the curriculum (WP2), our textbook and implementation guide (WP3), our Tech Tookit (WP4), and our larp to teach transformative game design (WP5). The consortium was…

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  • Introducing EDGE

    Introducing EDGE

    We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Empowering Game Design Education with Transformative Role-playing Games (EDGE) — An Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education! The EDGE consortium consists of Uppsala University (Sweden), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Dragons Nest (Greece), Chaos League (Italy), and Avalon Larp Studio (Norway).   EDGE is creating empowering game…

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